Now offering, fully managed website hosting, or as we like to call it:


If you’ve ever woken up to your website being hacked or taken down because it is “outdated” you know the struggle.  We completely understand and are

Here to help

For a flat rate of $49/month, we can handle all of your ongoing website updates* and maintenance.  Additionally, small changes are free!  As long as the changes can be taken care of in 30 min or less, they’ll be covered under your hosting plan.

*Updates limited to sites I’ve built and WordPress driven sites. all others are a case-by-case basis.

All of these important features for just $49 per month.
No contracts or commitments of any kind. You can cancel anytime.

Sign Up Now

Plus, we’ll migrate your existing site for free.

Still have some questions?

i’m happy to answer

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